• Experience

    You can experience everything yourself –
    but you don’t have to.

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  • Partnership

    A good partnership is more than
    the sum of the two individuals.

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  • Quality

    Demands an eye
    for essential details


Management & Consulting for Life Science Industry

IT Service Management

Your staff is only as efficient as the tools that available to them.

Logistics Management

Never before has the need for more efficient processes been as important as it is today. The ability to act - rather than having to react - is a critical success factor which demands a holistic strategy.

Compliance Management

The goal is to fullfil the regulatory requirements within optimized, permanently liveable processes - from organizational and business perspective.

more Info

Significon AG

Wilhelm-Theodor-Römheld-Straße 30
55130 Mainz / Germany
Phone: +49 (0)6131 - 302919-0

